Test dla dzieci – język angielski

Na początek wprowadź swoje imię i nazwisko:

1. thirty-seven
a) 36
b) 46
c) 47
d) 37
nie wiem
2.---------------- your name?
a) What
b) What’s
c) Who
d) What’re
nie wiem
3. Kate ---------------- a good student.
a) is
b) am
c) are
d) aren’t
nie wiem
4. ---------------- you like ice-cream?
a) Is
b) Do
c) Does
d) Are
nie wiem
5. The trees are ---------------- .
a) blue
b) grey
c) green
d) red
nie wiem
6. Tom is ---------------- brother.
a) Kate’s
b) Kate
c) Kates
d) Kates’
nie wiem

7. ---------------- house is it? It’s ours.
a) What
b) Who
c) Whose
d) Who’s
nie wiem
8. My parrot can’t ---------------- .
a) flying
b) try
c) fly
d) buy
nie wiem
9. I don’t like Susan. I don’t like ---------------- .
a) she
b) he
c) her
d) him
nie wiem
10. The postman doesn’t ---------------- milk.
a) bring
b) brings
c) bringing
d) is bringing
nie wiem

11. We usually have lunch ---------------- one o’clock.
a) on
b) in
c) of
d) at
nie wiem
12. What do you do ---------------- Sundays?
a) at
b) on
c) in
d) to
nie wiem
13. Hes Jack got an umbrella?
a) No, he has.
b) No, she hasn’t.
c) Yes, he have.
d) No, he hasn’t
nie wiem
14. ---------------- any books on the table.
a) There aren’t
b) There are
c) There is
d) Is there
nie wiem
15. My sisters ---------------- homework now.
a) is doing
b) are do
c) make
d) are doing
nie wiem
16. How many pencils ---------------- ?
a) have got you
b) have you got
c) are you like
d) do you have got
nie wiem
17. James ---------------- his English lessons yesterday.
a) didn’t have
b) doesn’t have
c) didn’t has
d) wasn’t have
nie wiem
18. Megan ---------------- TV every evening.
a) washes
b) watchs
c) is watching
d) watches
nie wiem
19. Elephant has got small ---------------- and big ---------------- .
a) ears/eyes
b) eyes/ears
c) nose/eers
d) fingers/eyes
nie wiem
20. I never ---------------- my bike to school.
a) write
b) don’t ride
c) ride
d) not ride
nie wiem

Wynik testu kwalifikacyjnego z języka angielskiego

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